Nohud Wiki
Just Cause 2 cover

Hide/Show Hud

Method #1

In-game go to Settings > Display settings > Hud opacity. There is no way to turn the crosshair off.

Method #2

  1. Download this file made by Philpax
  2. Unpack it to the game folder
  3. Run the game, press Alt+Tab and  the run injector.exe
  4. Press F7 to enable and F8 to disable the HUD

Useful keybinds

Numpad .   //enables noclip

Numpad 0   //disables noclip

Middle-mouse + vertical drag   //changes FoV

F3   //freezes camera

F4   //unfreezes camera



Just Cause 2 No Hud

Just Cause 2 No Hud
