Nohud Wiki
Game of Thrones RPG

Hide/Show Hud

1. Go to "Games\Game of Thrones - Special Edition\AGOTGame\Config\"

2. Open "DefaultInput.ini" with a notepad

3. Create a [Engine.DebugCameraInput] section

4. Add the following binds to the bottom of the ; Debug and the [Engine.DebugCameraInput] sections:

+Bindings=(Name="Multiply",Command="Tiledshot 6 128",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
+Bindings=(Name="F1",Command="FOV 10")
+Bindings=(Name="F2",Command="FOV 20")
+Bindings=(Name="F3",Command="FOV 40")
+Bindings=(Name="F4",Command="FOV 60")
+Bindings=(Name="F7",Command="FOV 70")
+Bindings=(Name="F8",Command="FOV 80")
+Bindings=(Name="F9",Command="FOV 90")
+Bindings=(Name="F10",Command="FOV 100")
+Bindings=(Name="F12",Command="SET MATERIALEFFECT bShowInGame FALSE | show camfrustums")
+Bindings=(Name="M",Command="ToggleDebugCamera false",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
+Bindings=(Name="NumPadZero",Command="Camera Fixed",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
+Bindings=(Name="Four",Command="set DOFEffect bUseWorldSettings false",Alt=False)
+Bindings=(Name="Four",Command="set DOFEffect bUseWorldSettings true",Alt=True)
+Bindings=(Name="Five",Command="set DOFEffect bUseWorldSettings false",Alt=False)
+Bindings=(Name="Six",Command="set DOFEffect FocusDistance 2.0",Alt=False)
+Bindings=(Name="Eight",Command="set UberPostProcessEffect SceneDesaturation 0.0",Alt=False)

5. Save the file

6. In-game press "Divide (/)" to toggle HUD on/off

Useful Keybindings

Key Effect
Add (+) Pauses the game
NumPad 1 Freezes all bots
NumPad 0 Fixex the camera
M Toggles Debug Camera
Multiply (*) Makes hi-res tiled screenshot
F1 - F10 Changes Field of View to the specified degrees
Subtract (-) Enables Noclip mode
Subtract (-) + ALT Disables Noclip Mode
F12 Disables vignette


Game of Thrones No Hud

Game of Thrones No Hud

Game of Thrones Hide Hud \\Game of Thrones Remove Hud \\Game of Thrones Toggle Hud Off \\Game of Thrones Disable Hud \\Game of Thrones Without Hud \\Game of Thrones Turn Off Hud \\Game of Thrones Hud free
